Functional training under qualified physiotherapist supervision is exacly what you need if you seek to develop proportional body shape, feel more confident and prepare your body for higher challenges both in daily and sport activities.
Most fitness facilities have a variety of weight training machines which target and isolate specific muscles. As a result the movements do not necessarily bear any relationship to the movements people make in their regular activities or sports. Functional training attempts to adapt or develop exercises which allow individuals to perform the activities of daily life more easily and without injuries.
Functional training involves three dimensional exercises that allows you to perform your daily and sport activities safer, more convincingly and without hurting yourself. This not only develops strenght, flexibility, endurance, balance and coordination, it improves joint and spine stability and proprioception, helps to avoid injury.
Standard resistance training machines are of limited use for functional training – their fixed patterns rarely mimic natural movements, and they focus the effort on a single muscle group, rather than engaging the stabilizers and peripheral muscles.
Functional training includes exercises with physio and medicine balls, dumbells, resistance tubes, balance discs, TRX suspension training, Freestyler etc. Each exercise has multiple degrees of complexity so its appropriate for both beginners and professional athletes.